Inflation Hedging Strategies

Golden Strategy

Proven by time

Key takeaways:

  • Gold's reliability has stood the test of time
  • Gold has historically proven its role as a protective instrument against inflation and risks
  • In the peak phase of previous crises, the strategy has shown a multiple of growth - an important quality for an insurance instrument


Gold has maintained its status as a valuable savings asset for centuries, confirming its role as a protective instrument against various risks and uncertainties in human history. Over the last 10 years, investors have favoured equities, as gold has not generated any income and the rise in price has not been impressive.  That said, all nations hold part of their reserves in gold and continue to increase their reserves. In any crisis scenario, gold is expected to perform better than equities as the latter are hit hard by increased economic risks (bankruptcy, falling demand and changing business conditions).  

It is important to note that gold is already showing growth against equities and this growth will be rapidly increasing at a time when the market will experience panic, a crisis of confidence in financial institutions, currencies and governments. The inflationary panic in early 1980 caused stocks to fall 10 times against gold (see graph below). Failure to curb inflation this time around allows for a similar scenario to be expected.

Exposure to gold via gold futures, equity index invested via the most popular inverse ETFs or the S&P 500 equity index futures.   

To assess the strategy's potential, historical value movements during the 2008 economic crisis were used. This strategy would have gained 210%.

Target return
Issue Date
Current Status
Open for new investors
Lot New Issue
150 000
Lot Increase
10 000

Important! Profitability in the past does not guarantee profitability in the future. Targeted yield helps define investment objectives and is not a limit or guarantee for an investor.

Historical graph

Figures for the last month For 6 months For the last year Since launch
-5.79% -9.36% -27.35% +1.05%


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Inflation Hedging Strategies