World Quality Income

To preserve and increase capital

An active managed certificate is intended for investing with a predefined strategy. It has a target yield of 4−6%, which is not a guarantee for the investor.

The certificate consists of high-quality international government and corporate bonds issued in US dollars. During high market volatility up to 60−80% is placed in the most reliable bonds with an investment rating.

Diversification lowers the risk. There are over 20 bonds in the certificate as of now. On average, allocation to a single bond in the portfolio does not exceed 5%, which allows achieving an optimal risk/reward ratio.

Short bonds protect the portfolio. Preference is given to bonds with maturities ranging from several months up to five years. Short bonds are less sensitive to market corrections.

Coupons are not distributed. It allows not to have any taxable realized return on the account. Vontobel Bank is the issuer of the certificate and provides daily liquidity, which allows you to sell the certificate in full or in part during opening hours of the Swiss Exchange.

Target return
Issue Date
Stock Exchange Listing
Vontobel Bank AG
1,000 USD
Current Status
Open for new investors

The product is intended for retail investors who intend to form or optimize assets in general and have a long-term investment horizon. The product is designed for investors with informed knowledge and experience with financial products. The investors are able to bear a total loss of their investment and do not attach any importance to capital protection.

Key Figures

Return 5.25%
Volatility p.a. 3.96%
Maximum Drawdown 8.57%
Cash Amount 4.18%
Number of Positions 33
Average Mod. Duration 3.40%
Average Coupon 6.44%
Average Yield to Maturity 14.66%

Historical graph

Figures for the last month For 6 months For the last year For three years Since launch
-1.48% +0.53% +2.18% +4.20% +6.67%

Transactions Examples

Instrument PnL Type of Transaction Currency Price Date
3.375% Coinbase Global 01.10.2028 Buy USD 90.55% 08.01.25
8% Uber 01.11.2026 +0.54% Sell USD 101% 01.11.24
8.5 Ronesans Holding 10.10.2029 Buy USD 99% 10.10.24


Issue Date
Six Swiss Exchange
Managing Company
Grossmeister Capital AG
Management Fee
Performance Fee
Issuer, Guarantor, Market-maker
Vontobel Bank and its affiliates
More about the certificate in English and German
Go to the issuer's website


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this certificate suitable for?

The certificate is intended for qualified investors who want to form or optimize assets in the long term.

How can I control my investment?

The certificate issuer Vontobel Bank takes on the function of controller and guarantor. It monitors compliance with the terms and conditions of the certificate memorandum, including the limit share of a single item and compliance of selected instruments with the terms of the memorandum.

You can track key indicators on the issuer’s website: historical return, number of instruments, top 10 items and other parameters. You can also request information from us, which will allow you to retain control.

How do I buy and sell a certificate?

The certificate is bought and sold like any tradable financial instrument. Contact us in advance to coordinate a purchase or sale price. Submit an application to a financial institution: a bank or a brokerage company — to buy or sell shares at an agreed price. Indicate the number of shares and ISIN of the certificate in the application.

Certificate quotes are also available from the financial institution where your assets are kept. You can check them online or upon request.

What are the risks and guarantees?

The certificate includes the risk of bankruptcy of bond issuers, as well as of the certificate issuer itself. To reduce risk, we have chosen a reliable Swiss bank as the issuer.

When buying bonds for the certificate, preference is given to issuers positive in revenue generation, have a low level of leverage and enough money to repay the debt. Diversification is also an important element of investment protection.

All this helps to reduce risk to a minimum, protect the investment and ensure a stable income on a long-term basis.


To purchase an actively managed certificate World Quality Income or to ask a question contact us by phone, email, Instagram, Telegram, or WhatsApp.